Sharing Our Lives

Useful Links

Information and organisations that may be of help to your projects.

Final Report: Religion and Worldviews: The Way Forward – A National Plan for RE.

The vision of the Charter for Forgiveness and Reconciliation is that the activity of forgiving is vital if healing and reconciliation are to take place, as part of our collective efforts to seek justice, harmony and sustainable peace.

Biographies of Prominent Religious leaders compiled by The Elijah Interfaith Institute.

Colouring Book World Religions for kids age 5+: The thousands of colouring books available for children, only a few deal with religion, tending to depict only one religion. This colouring book is unique in bringing together the most widespread faiths: Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism.

Faith in Society helps promote improved community cohesion through better understanding and cooperation between people of different religions, those of no faith, and secular society in the United Kingdom.